BNB Machine







BNB Machine is a ROI DAPP style mining project with the BNB cryptocurrency, much like BNB Miner, with some minor changes.
The contract has been thoroughly reviewed and no backdoor or hidden exploit has been found in it.

In addition, there is no malicious code that allows the owner or another person to withdraw all funds from the smart contract.

This contract is considered safe to invest, with the consequent disclaimer that it is a high-risk investment and that the approximate ROI is 3,650%.

This is an application that depends on the deposit of new investors, if the contract reaches $0 investors will not be paid.

Contract Details

Address: 0x06b510216e113Cb6F04FF7252623720082868844

Chain: BSC

Token: BNB

DAPP Type: ROI contract

Daily ROI Percent: 3,350% (not modifiable by the owner).

Referral rate: 8%

Owner Percentage: 4% each time you deposit or withdraw.

Minimum deposit: 0.01 BNB per wallet according to the web (a min. does not appear in the contract).

Maximum deposit: 30 BNB per wallet according to the website (the contract does not contain a maximum).

LIBRARY ‘SAFEMATH’ is included: Public library that has functions to avoid errors in the mathematical operations of the contract. (not editable for the benefit of the owner or others)

Owner Functions

The contract does not have any visible or hidden functions that allow you to take money out of the contract


There are no back doors in this contract that anyone (including the owner) can use to their advantage.

Code Complexity

Simple contract of a DAPP ROI copy of the BNB MIner with minor modifications.

Here are the differences with the BNBMiner contract:


Fee to the owner in the deposit: 4%

Fee to the owner on withdrawal: 4%

Team Trust

They have previous projects on the team like GeoSave and their Telegram community is forming and growing.


The objective of this audit is to find any problems and vulnerabilities in the security of this smart contract.
This audit has been carried out by a single person from the team.
You have to understand that we don’t know what the developers of the project will do.
Remember, invest only what you can afford to lose.