Station BUSD







Station BUSD is a mix between ROIDApp and yield farming with the creation of “Networks” as if they were clans or communities.

The contract has been thoroughly reviewed by 100Audits and no back door has been found.

In addition, there is no malicious code that allows the owner or another person to withdraw all funds from the smart contract.

This contract is considered safe to invest, with the consequent disclaimer that it is an investment and that daily profit is obtained between 1% and 6% daily. For each time it is reinvested, the percentage increases by 0.05% until it reaches the maximum, which is 2%.

The compound is not mandatory but if it is not done you will always earn 1% daily up to a maximum of 120%.

This is an dapp that depends on the deposit of new investors, if the contract reaches $0 investors will not be paid.

Contract Details

The contract is deployed in the BSC network and the address is 0xb9E6fEf9a018b8417c2D81d9058a320416Cf5bE5.

Chain: BSC

Token: USD

Minimum investment: 10 BUSD

Maximum investment: There is no maximum

Maximum payout: 2x (200%)

The daily ROI is 1% to 6%.

Stops accruing after 24 hours if not requested.

Owners Fees:

  • On deposit: 30% divided as follows:
    • 10% divided into two different wallets of the owners.
    • 20% that will go to a wallet for investments in other projects (according to its FAQ page) and will be displayed on the main website for transparency of the project.
  • In network airdrops (can be thrown by the network leader), 30% distributed in the same way as before.
  • In individual airdrop (any investor can send money to another if they have previously made an investment in the project).


Referral (they call it Networks): 4% for each user distributed 2% per referral (1% for wallet and 1% user balance) and 2% for reimbursement for the referrer (1% for wallet and 1% user balance) .

If an investor used an invite link and is not a member of the network, the contract will automatically set up a network leader on behalf of the investors.

Airdrops can be launched on these networks. Either the network leader or any member can send money to another investor (as long as they have invested in the project).

The project has two ways to encourage deposits:

  • Last investor to deposit: 1% of each deposit will be saved in a variable. The last deposited address will win the jackpot when no deposit was made after 3 hours from the last deposit. The jackpot for each round is capped at 3,000 BUSD. The event can run every 1 hour to 24 hours, depending on the project owners settings.
  • Top investor: The winning address will be awarded with 3% of their deposited amount. The reward will be sent directly to the winning address after the event draw. The event is executed by the owner.


Tax when withdrawing earnings on:

  • Less than 10 days: 10%
  • From 11 to 20 days: 8%
  • From 21 to 30 days: 6%
  • From 31 to 40 days: 4%
  • From 41 to 50 days: 2%
  • +51 days: 0%


If the investor withdraws profit it is reset to 10%.

Owner Functions

changeLastDepositEventTime() function: the owner can modify the time of the last deposit but not for his own benefit because before making the necessary modification, the function of rewarding the last investor who deposited is called (as explained in the contract details section).

changeTopDepositEventTime() function: the owner can modify the time of the investor who has deposited the most, but not for his own benefit because before making the necessary modification, the function to proclaim the winner of the most deposited is called. (as explained in the details section of contract).

switchNetworkAirdropStatus() function: changes the status of network airdrops to true or false.

switchIndividualAirdropStatus() function: Switches the status of individual airdrops to true or false.

switchTopDepositEventStatus() function: turns on or off the winning power of the event of the last person who invests the most but before turning it off or on calls the function to proclaim the winner of it.

switchLastDepositEventStatus() function: turns on or off the winning power of the event of the last person who invested but before turning it off or on calls the function to proclaim the winner of it.

updateNetworkLeader () function: can assign the leader of a network.

Autocompound features: The owner can enable autocompound for a wallet.

The contract does not have any visible or hidden functions that allow you to take money out of the contract


There are no back doors in this contract that anyone (including the owner) can use to their advantage.

Code Complexity

Very extensive contract, with a lot of code and functions, with different methods to avoid ending the contract pool and very well developed and structured.


Deposit fee: 30% (20% for investments in other projects and 10% for devs)

Withdrawal fee: Explained in greater detail in the ‘contract details’ section

Referral rate: 4% explained in greater detail in the ‘contract details’ section

Team Trust

The owner launched the CryptoEgg project, the community on Telegram is growing and doing marketing. Always remember to do your own research.


The objective of this audit is to find any problems and vulnerabilities in the security of this smart contract.
This audit has been carried out by a single person from the team.
You have to understand that we don’t know what the developers of the project will do.
Remember, invest only what you can afford to lose.